


Tuesday, April 21, 2015


Hey! I started a blog about this crazy mess I have always dreamed of getting myself in to. Yep. It's a mess. There is dust and feathers flying around...inside my house...

So here's what happened. Every Spring we go to Tractor Supply so I can hold and dream about raising chickens. Literally EVERY SPRING. I decided to call the city just for kicks and they said it was permitted. So well...I bought some chickens. Yes, we thought about it for weeks and planned and thought about the pros and cons, but the pros won out. We started out with three chickens that we bought from the CO-OP in Murfreesboro (that place is amazing by the way). Four was our limit but then we went to the CO-OP in Eagleville because we were looking for a specific breed and they had a better selection. We ended up with two more. Ha! So five it is!! We didn't even get the breed we went there to get. You just wait...I'll get her.

Below are some stock photos and info of our girls!

We have 2 Buff Orpinigtons. They are our sweet babies. Their names are Elinore and Marianne (the Dashwood sisters from Jane Austen's Sense and Sensibility) They are inseparable and it's precious. we've heard great things about Buff's and knew we had to have them.

We have a Red Sexlink (Red Comet). She has taken the roll as mamma hen to the Buff Orpingtons and it's so sweet. She is very comfortable with us...and currently my favorite. ;-) Her name is Cordelia a/k/a Anne Shirly from Anne of Green Gables. :-) I need to get her a rooster and name him Gilbert Blythe! haha! I love her!

We have an Easter Egger! She is the most adorable chick we have right now.  When they grow up they are not the prettiest hen in the hen house, but we heard they are really fun and they lay all different color eggs which be neat! She is very curious and a bit sassy. LOL! She doesn't have a name yet. I was thinking Felicity but not sure yet....

Aaaand we have a Golden Laced Wyandotte. I admit I got her because she will be so pretty and thought she would be a good mix with our others. Hmmm...she bossy. And right now, a bit creepy looking. Nick calls her a buzzard. Haha! We are a little afraid "she" will end up being a "he". Yikes. If it does end up being a rooster then we will get rid of it. I can't have a rooster crowing in our neighborhood. Not very neighborly. IF is's a hen, I think she may be at the top of the top of the pecking order. Which mean's she rules the roost. Oh boy!

My dream chicken...a Barred Rock

So those are our girls! Today we bought all the lumber to build their coop! EEEK! We are designing it ourselves and I'm SO excited. Hopefully it will be done by Saturday. I'm ready to get these birds in their house and out of mine! :-)  We are really excited about this new journey. I think it will be fun and something different for the kids and teach them some good responsibility. It may fail, like epic fail. I'm good at that. Or I may completely end up hating it, but at least I can say I tried. Right?